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Biographies.net is a huge collection of biographies about famous and not-so-famous individuals, including a large amount of facts, birthday information, life story, profession, family and more - collaboratively assembled by contributing editors.

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  • Craig Rosebraugh (52)

    Craig Rosebraugh is a writer, filmmaker and activist advocating for political and social...

  • Hermann Grassmann (215)

    Hermann Günther Grassmann was a German polymath, renowned in his day as a linguist and now also...

  • Anton Bezenšek (170)

    Anton Toma Bezenšek was a Slovene linguist, publicist, shorthand expert, and lecturer, who spent...

  • Oleg Kulik (63)

    Oleg Kulik is a Russian performance artist of Ukrainian ethnicity, sculptor, photographer and...

  • Aaron Laffey (39)

    Aaron Steven Laffey is an American professional baseball pitcher, who is with the Milwaukee...

  • Heloise (73)

    Heloise is an American writer, author, and speaker specializing in lifestyle hints, including...

  • P. J. Thomas, Parackanal (110)

    Rev. Parackanal Joseph Thomas was an Indian pastor. Born to Pastor John and Saramma Ayyapilla as...

  • Hub Collins (160)

    Hubert B. "Hub" Collins was a professional baseball player. He was a left fielder and second...

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  • steele_n
    I was not able to find anything on the famous artist Do Ho Suh
    LikeReply21 days ago
  • courtneye
    Discovering Biographies.net has been a game-changer for me. As an avid reader and history enthusiast, the extensive collection of biographies on this platform has opened up a world of knowledge. The diverse range of individuals covered, from historical figures to contemporary icons, provides a comprehensive look at the tapestry of human experience. The well-curated content and user-friendly interface make it easy to delve into the lives of remarkable people. Biographies.net has become my go-to resource for insightful and enriching narratives, making history and the stories of inspiring individuals accessible to all. 
    LikeReply 14 months ago
  • Kathleen Castillo
    Kathleen Castillo
    Is there a way to search by last name only?
    LikeReply 146 years ago
    • STANDS4
      Hey Kathleen -- great idea! We've just added the option to also search by last name...
      LikeReply 135 years ago
  • Olynthia Hamilton
    Olynthia Hamilton
    I was not able to find anything on the famous artist Do Ho Suh
    LikeReply 87 years ago
  • Ibrahim Mahmoud
    Ibrahim Mahmoud
    Luciano Vssalo was an Ethiopian Foot Ball Player / Captain / Coach of the Ethiopian National Team. In 1962 the National Team has won the 3rd African Cup against Egypt. Ethiopia 4 - 2 Egypt .
    LikeReply 88 years ago

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