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Found 22 people matching Astrologer starting with A:

#A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

A. Frank Glahn

A. Frank Glahn, was a German mysticist, Germanic revivalist and most notably a pendulum dowser... more »

A. T. Mann

Alden Taylor Mann, is an American astrologer, author, designer and artist who has written 18... more »

Abiathar Crescas

Abiathar Crescas was a 15th-century Jewish physician and astrologer from the Crown of Aragon. He... more »

Abraham Zacuto

Abraham Zacuto was a Sephardi Jewish astronomer, astrologer, mathematician, rabbi and historian... more »

Achilles Gasser

Achilles Pirmin Gasser was a German physician and astrologer. He is now known as a... more »

Adelard of Bath

Adelard of Bath was a 12th-century English natural philosopher. He is known both for his... more »

Aḥmad ibn Mūsā ibn Shākir

Abū al‐Qāsim, Aḥmad ibn Mūsā ibn Shākir was a scholar. more »

Al-Ḥasan ibn Mūsā ibn Shākir

Al-Ḥasan ibn Mūsā ibn Shākir was a scholar. more »

Alan Leo

Alan Leo, born William Frederick Allan, was a prominent British astrologer, author, publisher... more »

Albertus Magnus

Albertus Magnus, O.P., also known as Albert the Great and Albert of Cologne, is a Catholic... more »


Abu Bakr al-Hassan ibn al-Khasib, also al-Khaseb, Albubather in Latin, was a Persian physician... more »


Abu al-Saqr Abd al-Aziz Ibn Uthman Ibn Ali al-Qabisi l-Mawsili, generally known as Al-Qabisi,... more »


Alcuin of York, also called Ealhwine, Albinus or Flaccus, was an English scholar, ecclesiastic,... more »

Aleister Crowley

Aleister Crowley, born Edward Alexander Crowley was a British occultist, writer and mystic. He... more »

Alfonso X of Castile

Alfonso X, called the Wise, was the King of Castile, León and Galicia from 30 May 1252 until his... more »

Alfred Witte

Alfred Witte, in Hamburg/Germany, was a German surveyor, astrologer, an amateur astronomer, and... more »

Alice Bailey

Alice Ann Bailey was a writer and theosophist in occult teachings, esoteric psychology and... more »

Allison Diamond

Allison Diamond is the mother of Reed Diamond. more »

Antero Alli

Antero Alli was born 11 November 1952, in Finland. Alli currently resides in Berkeley,... more »

Arnaldus de Villa Nova

Arnaldus de Villa Nova was an alchemist, astrologer and physician. He was born in some city of... more »

Asit Krishna Mukherji

Asit Krishna Mukherji was a Bengali Brahmin with National Socialist convictions who published... more »

Athena Starwoman

Athena Starwoman was an Australian astrologer, columnist and television commentator. Born in... more »

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