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Found 225 people matching Inventor starting with A: Page #3

#A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Albert P Chen

Albert P Chen was a researcher in the Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging at the... more »

Albert Sadacca

Albert Sadacca is credited with popularizing electric Christmas tree lights for private use... more »

Albert Spicher

Albert Spicher was a researcher at Stanford University. more »

Alberto Santos-Dumont

Alberto Santos-Dumont was a Franco-Brazilian aviation pioneer. The heir of a wealthy family of... more »

Albrecht Berblinger

Albrecht Ludwig Berblinger, also known as the Tailor of Ulm, is famous for having constructed a... more »

Alden Partridge Colvocoresses

Colonel Alden Partridge Colvocoresses, US Army, developed in 1973–1979 the Space-oblique... more »

Aleksandr Loran

Aleksandr Grigoryevich Loran, sometimes called Alexander Laurant or Aleksandr Lovan or Aleksandr... more »

Aleksandr Porokhovschikov

Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Porokhovschikov was Russian military engineer, tank and aircraft... more »

Alessandro Cruto

Alessandro Cruto was an Italian inventor, born in the village of Piossasco, who improved on... more »

Alex Breton

Alex Breton is an inventor. more »

Alex Manoogian

Alexander "Alex" Manoogian was an Armenian-American industrial engineer, businessman,... more »

Alex Moulton

Alexander Eric Moulton CBE, FREng was an English engineer and inventor, specialising in... more »

Alexander Adie

Alexander James Adie FRSE MWS was a Scottish maker of medical instruments, optician and... more »

Alexander Bain

Alexander Bain was a Scottish inventor and engineer who was first to invent and patent the... more »

Alexander Beider

Alexander Beider is the author of reference books in the field of Jewish onomastics. more »

Alexander Graham Bell

Alexander Graham Bell was an eminent Scottish scientist, inventor, engineer and innovator who is... more »

Alexander Kemurdzhian

Alexander Leonovich Kemurdzhian was a pioneering scientist, of Armenian heritage, in the space... more »

Alexander Klibanov

Alexander Klibanov is a professor of chemistry and bioengineering at the Massachusetts Institute... more »

Alexander Laszlo

Alexander Laszlo was a Hungarian-American pianist, musical composer, arranger and inventor. He... more »

Alexander Lodge

Alexander Marshall Lodge was an English inventor who did early work and held some patents on the... more »

Alexander Lodygin

Alexander Nikolayevich Lodygin was a Russian electrical engineer and inventor, one of inventors... more »

Alexander M. Poniatoff

Alexander Matveevich Poniatoff was a Russian-American electrical engineer. Poniatoff was born 25... more »

Alexander Melville Bell

Alexander Melville Bell was a teacher and researcher of physiological phonetics and was the... more »

Alexander Miles

Alexander Miles was an African-American inventor who was best known for being awarded a patent... more »

Alexander Mitchell

Alexander Mitchell, was an Irish engineer who from 1802 was blind. He is known as the inventor... more »


Are you a biography pro?

Which actor starred as James Bond in the 2006 movie "Casino Royale"?
A Sean Connery
B Pierce Brosnan
C Daniel Craig
D Roger Moore