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Found 11 people matching Lexicographer starting with A:

#A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

A. S. Hornby

Albert Sidney Hornby, usually just A. S. Hornby, was an English grammarian, lexicographer, and... more »

Adam Willis Wagnalls

Adam Willis Wagnalls was an American publisher. He was the co-founder and co-eponym of the Funk... more »

Adeline Smith

Adeline Smith was an American elder, lexicographer, activist, and cultural preservationist. She... more »

Adrian Room

Adrian Room is a British toponymist and onomastician, a Fellow of the Royal Geographic Society... more »

Alfredo Panzini

Alfredo Panzini was an Italian novelist and lexicographer. Born in Senigallia, Panzini was a... more »

Ali-Akbar Dehkhoda

Allameh Ali Akbar Dehkhodā was a prominent Iranian linguist, and author of the most extensive... more »

Allen Walker Read

Allen Walker Read was an American etymologist and lexicographer, best known for his studies into... more »

Antoine Furetière

Antoine Furetière, French scholar and writer, was born in Paris. more »

Anton Pann

Anton Pann, was an Ottoman-born Wallachian composer, musicologist, and Romanian-language poet,... more »

Antonio de Nebrija

Antonio de Nebrija, also known as Antonio de Lebrija, Elio Antonio de Lebrija, Antonius... more »

Arok Wolvengrey

Arok Wolvengrey is a linguist noted for his work with Amerindian languages. Wolvengrey received... more »


Are you a biography pro?

Which general famously said, "I shall return" after leaving the Philippines during World War II?
A George S. Patton
B Norman Schwarzkopf
C Douglas MacArthur
D Dwight D. Eisenhower