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Found 254 people matching Scientist starting with R: Page #2

#A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Ramanujam Varatharaja Perumal

Ramanujam Varatharaja Perumal is a well known aeronautical scientist and an aerospace engineer... more »

Ramesh Chandra

Ramesh Chandra is a graduate research assistant in the Parallel and Distributed Operating... more »

Ramesh Jain

Ramesh Chandra Jain is a scientist and entrepreneur in the field of information and computer... more »

Ramón Emeterio Betances

Ramón Emeterio Betances y Alacán was a Puerto Rican nationalist. He was the primary instigator... more »

Ramón López Irizarry

Ramón Lopez-Irizarry was an educator and scientist who invented an easier way to extract the... more »

Ramon Margalef

Ramon Margalef i López was a Catalan biologist. He was Emeritus Professor of Ecology at the... more »

Ranjit Lal Jetley

Maj-General Ranjit Lal Jetley, FIE, FIQA is a retired soldier and scientist in India. He served... more »

Raoul A Robinson

Raoul A. Robinson is a Canadian/British plant scientist with more than forty years of... more »

Raoul Van Caenegem

Raoul Charles, Baron van Caenegem, a Belgian historian, was a professor at the University of... more »

Raphael Meldola

Raphael Meldola FRS was a British chemist and entomologist. He was Professor of Organic... more »

Rasmus Bartholin

Rasmus Bartholin was a Danish scientist and physician. As part of his studies, he travelled in... more »

Rasmus Lerdorf

Rasmus Lerdorf is a Greenlandic programmer with Canadian citizenship. He created the PHP... more »

Rasmus Malling-Hansen

Rasmus Malling-Hansen was a Danish inventor, minister and principal at the Royal Institute for... more »

Ravi Sethi

Ravi Sethi is an Indian computer scientist retired from Bell Labs and president of Avaya Labs... more »

Ray Kurzweil

Raymond "Ray" Kurzweil is an American author, inventor, futurist, a director of engineering at... more »

Raymond Aron

Raymond-Claude-Ferdinand Aron was a French philosopher, sociologist, journalist, and political... more »

Raymond D. Mindlin

Raymond David Mindlin was a mechanician who made seminal contributions to many branches of... more »

Raymond Daudel

Raymond Daudel was a French theoretical and quantum chemist. Trained as a physicist, he was an... more »

Raymond Dwek

Raymond Allen Dwek CBE FRS is a scientist at the University of Oxford and founder of the... more »

Raymond Gosling

Raymond Gosling is a distinguished scientist who worked with both Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind... more »

Raymond Hamers

Raymond Hamers is a professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. He discovered a special type of... more »

Raymond Jeener

Raymond Jeener was a Belgian molecular biologist and professor at the Universite Libre de... more »

Raymond Lemieux

Raymond Urgel Lemieux, CC, AOE, FRS was a Canadian organic chemist, who pioneered a number of... more »

Raymond Leonard

Raymond Leonard, is Emeritus Professor of Industrial Technology at Manchester University, known... more »

Raymond St. Leger

Raymond J. St. Leger is an American mycologist, entomologist and molecular biologist who... more »