Entry History

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  • Biographies.net
    davidb updated the biography details of Thomas L. Friedman.
    4 years ago
  • FieldOld ValueNew Value
    Short DescriptionThomas Friedman appeared in The Revenge of the Electric Car documentary film., Thomas Loren Friedman is an American journalist, columnist and author. He writes a twice-weekly...Thomas Loren Friedman is an American journalist, columnist and author. He writes a twic...
    Thomas Friedman appeared in The Revenge of the Electric Car documentary film., Thomas Loren Friedman is an American journalist, columnist and author. He writes a twice-weekly column for The New York Times. He has written extensively on foreign affairs including global trade, the Middle East, globalization, and environmental issues and has won the Pulitzer Prize three times.
    Thomas Loren Friedman is an American journalist, columnist and author. He writes a twice-weekly column for The New York Times. He has written extensively on foreign affairs including global trade, the Middle East, globalization, and environmental issues and has won the Pulitzer Prize three times.
    Profession(s)Writer, Journalist, Author, Commentator, Economist, Television Producer, Film Director, Screenwriter, Film ProducerAuthor, Commentator, Economist, Film Director, Film Producer, Journalist, Screenwriter, Television Producer, Writer
    SpouseAnn Friedman, Marriage, 1978Ann Friedman (Bucksbaum), 1978
    EducationBrandeis University, 1973, 1975, Mediterranean StudiesBrandeis University, Mediterranean Studies, 1973, 1975
    Education (1)St Antony's College, Oxford, 1979, Master of Philosophy, Middle Eastern studiesMaster of Philosophy, St Antony's College, Oxford, Middle Eastern studies, 1979
    Education (3)Saint Louis Park High School, 1971, High School DiplomaHigh School Diploma, Saint Louis Park High School, 1971

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