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Found 4 people matching Violist starting with Y:

#A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Yehonatan Berick

Yehonatan Berick is a violin and viola virtuoso and pedagogue. Born in Israel, he started his... more »

Yehudi Menuhin

Yehudi Menuhin, Baron Menuhin, OM, KBE was an American violinist and conductor who spent most of... more »

Yuko Inoue

Yuko Inoue, is a Japanese classical violist. She studied violin at Kunitachi College of Music in... more »

Yuri Bashmet

Yuri Abramovich Bashmet is a Russian conductor, violinist, and violist. He is a direct... more »

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