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Found 9 people matching Official starting with A:

#A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Agus Martowardojo

Agus Dermawan Wintarto Martowardojo is the current Governor of Bank Indonesia since May 23,... more »

Agus Rahardjo

Agus Rahardjo is the current chairman of the National Public Procurement Agency. more »

Alec Kitson

Alexander Harper Kitson was a British trade unionist and Labour Party official. Kitson grew up... more »

Ali Budiarjo

Ali Budiarjo was the first president director of Freeport Indonesia. more »

Alison Fraser

Alison Fraser is an educator. more »

Alysson Paolinelli

Alysson Paolinelli is a Brazilian agronomic engineer and public official who received the 2006... more »

Andy Van Hellemond

Andy Van Hellemond is a former National Hockey League referee and a member of the Hockey Hall of... more »

Anna Ivanovna Luchko

Anna Ivanovna Luchko was the mother of Klara Luchko. more »

Aubrey W. Young

Aubrey Walsworth Young was a public official in the U.S. state of Louisiana, who between 1965... more »

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