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Found 134 people matching Astronomer starting with A:

#A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

A. David Andrews

A. David Andrews is an Irish astronomer. He discovered 1727 Mette whilst at the Boyden... more »

A. E. Douglass

A. E. Douglass was an American astronomer. He discovered a correlation between tree rings and... more »

A. Laurent

A. Laurent was a Frenchman who discovered the asteroid 51 Nemausa in 1858. He never made any... more »

Abd al-Rahman al-Sufi

'Abd al-Rahman al-Sufi was a Persian astronomer also known as 'Abd ar-Rahman as-Sufi, or 'Abd... more »

Abolfadl Harawi

Abolfadl Harawi was a 10th-century astronomer from Rey, Persia who, along with al-Khujandi,... more »

Abraham bar Hiyya

Abraham bar Ḥiyya ha-Nasi was a Jewish mathematician, astronomer and philosopher, also known as... more »

Abrahão de Moraes

Abrahão De Moraes was a Brazilian astronomer and mathematician. He taught at the Escola... more »

Abū al-Wafā' Būzjānī

Abū al-Wafāʾ, Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad ibn Yaḥyā ibn Ismāʿīl ibn al-ʿAbbās al-Būzjānī was a Persian... more »

Abū Ishāq Ibrāhīm al-Zarqālī

Abū Isḥāq Ibrāhīm ibn Yaḥyā al-Naqqāsh al-Zarqālī, also known as Al-Zarqali or Ibn Zarqala, was... more »

Abu Nasr Mansur

Abu Nasr Mansur ibn Ali ibn Iraq was a Persian Muslim mathematician. He is well known for his... more »

Abu-Mahmud Khojandi

Abu Mahmud Hamid ibn Khidr Khojandi was a Central Asian astronomer and mathematician with Mongol... more »

Adam Riess

Adam Guy Riess is an American astrophysicist at The Johns Hopkins University and the Space... more »

Aden Meinel

Aden B. Meinel was an American astronomer. He retired in 1993 as a Distinguished Scientist at... more »

Adolph Friedrich Lindemann

Adolph Friedrich Lindemann was a German-born, British engineer, businessman, and amateur astronomer. more »

Adolph Gottfried Kinau

Adolph Gottfried Kinau was a German Protestant minister and astronomer. Born in Aschersleben... more »

Adolphe Quetelet

Lambert Adolphe Jacques Quetelet was a Belgian astronomer, mathematician, statistician and... more »

Adriaan Blaauw

Adriaan Blaauw was a Dutch astronomer. Blaauw was born in Amsterdam to Cornelis Blaauw and... more »

Adriaan van Maanen

Adriaan van Maanen was a Dutch–American astronomer. Van Maanen, born into a well-to-do family in... more »

Adrián Galád

Adrián Galád is a Slovak astronomer. He is a prolific discoverer of asteroids. more »

Adrien Auzout

Adrien Auzout was a French astronomer. He was born in Rouen, France, the eldest child of a clerk... more »

Agnes Mary Clerke

Agnes Mary Clerke was an astronomer and writer, mainly in the field of astronomy. She was born... more »


Agrippa was a Greek astronomer. The only thing that is known about him regards an astronomical... more »

Ahmad ibn Mājid

Ahmad ibn Mājid, was an Arab navigator and cartographer born in 1421 in Julphar, which is now... more »

Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Kathīr al-Farghānī

Abū al-ʿAbbās Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad ibn Kathīr al-Farghānī. also known as Alfraganus in the West,... more »

Aḥmad ibn Mūsā ibn Shākir

Abū al‐Qāsim, Aḥmad ibn Mūsā ibn Shākir was a scholar. more »


Are you a biography pro?

Who wrote "The Odyssey"?
A Euripides
B Sophocles
C Homer
D Aristotle