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Found 142 people matching Photographer starting with W: Page #6

#A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Win Coates

Winslow Shelby Coates III, better known as Win Coates, was an American documentary photographer... more »

Windland Smith Rice

Sandra Windland "Wendy" Smith Rice was an American photographer well known for her work in... more »

Winfield Parks

Winfield I. Parks Jr. was an American photographer. His work has been published in National... more »

Wojciech Cejrowski

Wojciech Cejrowski - - is a Polish traveller, television and radio journalist, writer, Catholic... more »

Wojciech Rychlik

Wojciech Rychlik is a biologist and photographer, born in Poland and living in the USA since... more »

Wojciech Zamecznik

Wojciech Zamecznik was a Polish graphic artist, architect, photographer and interior designer... more »

Wolf Howard

Wolf Howard is an English artist, poet and filmmaker living in Chatham, Kent and was a founder... more »

Wolfgang Peter Geller

Wolfgang Peter Geller is a 1971 World Press Photo of the Year Award winner. more »

Wolfgang Sievers

Wolfgang Georg Sievers, AO was an Australian photographer who specialised in architectural and... more »

Wolfgang Straub

Wolfgang Straub is a Swiss lawyer and photographer. more »

Wolfgang Suschitzky

Wolfgang Suschitzky, BSC, is a photographer and cinematographer perhaps best known for his... more »

Wolfgang Tillmans

Wolfgang Tillmans is a German Fine-art photographer. His diverse body of work is distinguished... more »


Wols was the pseudonym of Alfred Otto Wolfgang Schulze, a German painter and photographer... more »

Wright Morris

Wright Marion Morris was an American novelist, photographer, and essayist. He is known for his... more »

Wyatt Gallery

Wyatt Gallery is an American Photographer. more »

Wynn Bullock

Wynn Bullock is a recognized American master photographer of the 20th century whose work is... more »

Włodzimierz Puchalski

Włodzimierz Puchalski was a Polish photographer and film director. more »


Are you a biography pro?

Which general famously said, "I shall return" after leaving the Philippines during World War II?
A Douglas MacArthur
B George S. Patton
C Norman Schwarzkopf
D Dwight D. Eisenhower