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Found 3,281 people matching Person starting with A: Page #5

#A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Aaron Selig ben Moses of Zolkiev

Aaron Selig ben Moses of Zolkiev was a Polish Jewish author who flourished in the seventeenth... more »

Aaron Smith

Aaron Smith is an author, freelance journalist and newspaper editor who writes for a range of... more »

Aaron Solomon

Aaron Solomon was a Jewish merchant of Philadelphia, who, about 1777, signed an agreement to... more »

Aaron Zorogon

Aaron Zorogon was a Turco-Jewish scholar, who flourished about the middle of the seventeenth... more »

Aart Alblas

Aart Hendrik Alblas, aka Klaas de Waard, was a Dutch navy officer, resistance member and... more »

Aart van Asperen

Aart van Asperen is a Dutch director, born in Utrecht. Van Asperen has directed several episodes... more »

Aarti Aney

Aarti Aney is a child of Mahesh Aney. more »

Abd al-Rahman ibn Katir al-Lahmi

Abd al-Rahman ibn Katir al-Lahmi was the penultimate Umayyad governor of Al Andalus from October... more »

Abd al-Rahman Mowakket

Abdul Rahman Mowakket is a contemporary sculptor from Syria. Abdul Rahman's career as a sculptor... more »

Abd Allah

Abd Allah ibn al-Hakam al-Tjibi was the final member of the Banu Tujibi group of local bosses to... more »

Abd Allah ibn Abd al-Latif Al ash-Sheikh

Sheikh Abd Allah ibn Abd al-Latif Al ash-Sheikh was a leading Sunni Muslim scholar in Saudi... more »

Abd-al-Hafid Mahmud al-Zulaytini

Dr. Abd-al-Hafid Mahmud al-Zulaytini is a Libyan politician who served as Assistant Secretary of... more »


Abdagus was, according to 18th and 19th century historical books, a duke of Frisia. Abdagus,... more »

Abdal Bela

Abdaal Bela is an Urdu-language fiction writer from Pakistan. more »

Abdallah al-Battal

Abdallah al-Battal was a Muslim warrior of the Arab–Byzantine Wars of the early 8th century,... more »

Abdallah Al-Jazi

Abdallah Al-Jazi is a Jordanian politician and tribal leader of the 30,000 people large... more »

Abdallah Khan

Abdallah Khan was a Persian painter and architect, active between 1810 and 1850 in Tehran. He... more »

Abdarrahman al-Makudi

Abu Zaid Abd-Arrahman Ibn Ali Salih al-Makudi was a grammarian from Morocco. His Sharh al... more »

Abdel Halim Muhammad

Abdel Halim Muhammad was a Sudanese doctor. He served as the third president of the... more »

Abdel Meguid Mahmoud

Abdel Meguid Mahmoud is the Egypt Attorney General since 2006. He was removed from office by... more »

Abdel Moneim El Shahat

Abdel Moneim El Shahat is the official spokesman of the Egyptian Salafist group al-Da'wa... more »

Abdel Rahman bin Baz

Abdel Rahman bin Baz is the son of Abd al-Aziz ibn Baz. more »

Abdel Wahab Qayed

Abd al-Wahhab Muhammad Qaid, aka Abu Idris al-Libi is a member of the Libyan Parliament and the... more »

Abdel-Fatah Qudsiyeh

Abdel-Fatah Qudsiyeh is the deputy director of the Syrian National Security Bureau and a close... more »

Abdelaziz Ben Dhia

Abdelaziz Ben Dhia served as the Tunisian Special Adviser to the President and Spokesman of the... more »

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