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Found 7 people matching Philosopher starting with X:

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Xavier Zubiri

Xavier Zubiri was a Spanish philosopher. more »

Xenarchus of Seleucia

Xenarchus of Seleucia in Cilicia, was a Peripatetic philosopher and grammarian. Xenarchus left... more »


Xenocrates of Chalcedon was a Greek philosopher, mathematician, and leader of the Platonic... more »


Xenophanes of Colophon was a Greek philosopher, theologian, poet, and social and religious... more »

Ximen Bao

Ximen Bao was an ancient Chinese government minister and court advisor to Marquis Wen of Wei... more »

Xiong Shili

Xiong Shili was a modern Chinese philosopher whose major work A New Treatise on... more »

Xu Youyu

Xu Youyu, is a Chinese philosopher, public intellectual and proponent of Chinese liberalism. Xu... more »

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