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Found 109 people matching Scientist starting with B: Page #5

#A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Bruce Lahn

Bruce Lahn is the William B. Graham professor of Human Genetics at the University of Chicago. He... more »

Bruce McEwen

Bruce McEwen is the Alfred E. Mirsky professor of neuroscience and runs the Harold and Margaret... more »

Bruno Bettelheim

Bruno Bettelheim was an Austrian-born American child psychologist and writer. He gained an... more »

Bryan C Ellis

Bryan Ellis is a Research Scientist, Soraa and was a graduate student in Electrical Engineering... more »

Bryan L. Wylie

Bryan L. Wylie is at Voyage Medical. He was a scientist at Cellgate, Inc. more »

Buckminster Fuller

Richard Buckminster "Bucky" Fuller was an American architect, systems theorist, author,... more »

Büdragchaagiin Dash-Yondon

Büdragchaagiin Dash-Yondon is a Mongolian politician and former Chairman of Mongolian People's... more »

Bülent Atalay

Bülent Atalay is a Turkish-American author, scientist, and artist. Born in Ankara, Turkey in... more »

Burhan-ud-din Kermani

Burha-ud-Din Kermani or Burhān al-Din Nafīs ibn ‘Iwad al-Kirmanī was a 15th-century Persian... more »

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