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Found 854 people matching Architect starting with J: Page #28

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José da Costa e Silva

José da Costa e Silva was a Portuguese architect. His work helped establish Neoclassical... more »

José Damián Ortiz de Castro

José Damián Ortiz de Castro was an 18th-century Novohispanic architect who carried out many... more »

José Luis Calderón Cabrera

José Luis Calderón Cabrera was a Mexican architect. He was professor at the Universidad Anáhuac... more »

José Marques da Silva

José Marques da Silva was a Portuguese architect. more »

José Miguelito

José Miguelito is an architect. more »

José Oubrerie

José Oubrerie is a French architect and author. He was a protégé of Le Corbusier. He is... more »

José Quintela da Fonseca

José Quintela da Fonseca is an architect. more »

José Villagrán García

José Villagrán García was a Mexican architect. He is known for having developed several theories... more »

José Vivas

José Fructoso Vivas Vivas, also known as Fruto Vivas, is a Venezuelan architect. His best known... more »

Josef Chochol

Josef Chochol was a Czech architect. more »

Josef Durm

Josef Wilhelm Durm war ein deutscher Architekt, Baubeamter und Hochschullehrer. Nach dem Studium... more »

Josef Frank

Josef Frank was an Austrian-born architect, artist, and designer who adopted Swedish citizenship... more »

Josef Franke

Josef Franke was a German architect. He created a number of sacred and secular buildings, in the... more »

Josef Gočár

Josef Gočár, was a Czech architect, one of the founders of modern architecture in Czechoslovakia. more »

Josef Hlávka

Josef Hlávka was a Czech architect, builder, philanthropist and founder of the oldest Czech... more »

Josef Hoffmann

Josef Hoffmann was an Austrian architect and designer of consumer goods. more »

Josef Mocker

Josef Mocker was a Bohemian architect and restorer who worked in a purist Gothic Revival style. more »

Josef Munggenast

Josef Munggenast was an Austrian architect and masterbuilder of the Baroque period. Munggenast... more »

Josef Niklas

Josef Niklas was one of the most important Czech architects in the 19th century. In 1873–1874 he... more »

Josef Pleskot

Josef Pleskot is a Czech architect. He is known mainly as the designer of the pedestrian tunnel... more »

Josef Schnitter

Josef Schnitter was a Czech–Bulgarian architect, engineer and geodesist credited with shaping... more »

Josef Stenbäck

Josef Daniel Stenbäck was a Finnish church architect and engineer who worked in the Imperial... more »

Josef Štěpánek Netolický

Josef Štěpánek Netolický was a Czech fishpond builder and architect. Netolický worked as a... more »

Josef Zítek

Josef von Zitek was a Czech architect and engineer best known for two neo-Renaissance landmarks... more »

Josep Domènech i Estapà

Josep Domènech i Estapà was a Catalan architect. He graduated in 1881, and became professor of... more »

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