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Found 130 people matching Philosopher starting with T: Page #2

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Ted Nelson

Theodor Holm Nelson is an American pioneer of information technology, philosopher and... more »


Telauges was a Pythagorean philosopher and, according to tradition, the son of Pythagoras and... more »


Telecles, of Phocis or Phocaea, was the pupil and successor of Lacydes, and was joint leader of... more »

Teles of Megara

Teles of Megara, was a Cynic philosopher and teacher. He wrote various discourses, seven... more »

Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama

The 14th Dalai Lama is the 14th and current Dalai Lama, as well as the longest lived incumbent... more »

Teofil Żebrawski

Teofil Żebrawski was a Polish mathematician, bibliographer, architect, biologist, archeologist,... more »

Terence McKenna

Terence Kemp McKenna was an American philosopher, psychonaut, ethnobotanist, lecturer, and... more »

Terence Parsons

Terence Parsons is an American contemporary philosopher of the analytic tradition. Parsons is... more »

Tetsuro Watsuji

Tetsuro Watsuji was a Japanese moral philosopher, cultural historian, and intellectual historian. more »

Tetsuzō Tanikawa

Tetsuzō Tanikawa was a Japanese philosopher who promoted the concept of World Government for... more »


Thales of Miletus was a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher from Miletus in Asia Minor, and one of... more »


Theagenes was an Athenian politician. more »

Theagenes of Patras

Theagenes of Patras, was a Cynic philosopher and close friend of Peregrinus Proteus. He is known... more »


Theano is the name given to perhaps two Pythagorean philosophers. She has been called the pupil,... more »

Themista of Lampsacus

Themista of Lampsacus, the wife of Leonteus, was a student of Epicurus, early in the 3rd century... more »


Themistius, named εὐφραδής, was a statesman, rhetorician, and philosopher. He flourished in the... more »


Themistoclea was a priestess at Delphi. According to surviving sources she was Pythagoras’... more »

Theodor Gomperz

Theodor Gomperz, Austrian philosopher and classical scholar, was born at Brno. He studied at... more »

Theodor Lessing

Theodor Lessing was a German Jewish philosopher. He is known for opposing the rise of Hindenburg... more »

Theodor Lipps

Theodor Lipps was a German philosopher. Lipps was one of the most influential German university... more »

Theodor Sternberg

Theodor Hermann Sternberg was a German legal philosopher serving as a foreign advisor in Meiji... more »

Theodor W. Adorno

Theodor W. Adorno was a German sociologist, philosopher and musicologist known for his critical... more »

Theodore de Laguna

Theodore de Laguna was an American philosopher who taught for years at Bryn Mawr College and was... more »

Theodore Drange

Theodore "Ted" Michael Drange is a philosopher of religion and Professor Emeritus at West... more »

Théodore Eugène César Ruyssen

Théodore Eugène César Ruyssen was a French historian of philosophy and pacifist. more »

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