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Found 211 people matching Mathematician starting with C: Page #6

#A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Cheryl Praeger

Cheryl Elisabeth Praeger, AM is an Australian mathematician. Praeger received BSc and MSc... more »

Chia-Chiao Lin

Chia-Chiao Lin was a Chinese-born American applied mathematician and Institute Professor... more »

Chien Wei-zang

Chien Wei-zang or Qian Weichang was a Chinese physicist and applied mathematician, as well as... more »

Chike Obi

Chike Obi was a Nigerian politician, mathematician and professor. The African Mathematics Union... more »

Chris Brink

Chris Brink is the Vice-Chancellor of Newcastle University. more »

Chris Freiling

Christopher F. Freiling is a set theorist responsible for Freiling's axiom of symmetry. He is a... more »

Chris Rogers

Leonard Christopher Gordon "Chris" Rogers is a mathematician working in probability theory and... more »

Christiaan Huygens

Christiaan Huygens, FRS was a prominent Dutch mathematician and scientist. He is known... more »

Christian August Hausen

Christian August Hausen was a German mathematician who is known for his research on... more »

Christian Doppler

Christian Andreas Doppler was an Austrian mathematician and physicist. more »

Christian Goldbach

Christian Goldbach was a German mathematician who also studied law. He is remembered today for... more »

Christian Gustav Adolph Mayer

Christian Gustav Adolph Mayer was a German mathematician. Mayer was born on February 15, 1839 in... more »

Christian Heinrich von Nagel

Christian Heinrich von Nagel was a German geometer. After the visit of the gymnasium in 1817,... more »

Christian Kramp

Christian Kramp was a French mathematician, who worked primarily with factorials. Christian... more »

Christian Ludwig Gerling

Christian Ludwig Gerling studied under Carl Friedrich Gauss, obtaining his doctorate in 1812 for... more »

Christian of Prachatice

Christian of Prachatice was a medieval Bohemian astronomer, mathematician and former Catholic... more »

Christian Pommerenke

Christian Pommerenke is a mathematician known for his work in complex analysis. He studied at... more »

Christian Reiher

Christian Reiher is a German mathematician. He is the third most successful participant in the... more »

Christian Wurstisen

Christian Wurstisen was a mathematician, theologician, historian from Basel. His name is also... more »

Christian Zeller

Julius Christian Johannes Zeller was a German mathematician. Originally trained in mathematics,... more »

Christine Hamill

Christine Mary Hamill was an English mathematician who specialized in group theory and finite... more »

Christine Ladd-Franklin

Christine Ladd-Franklin was an American psychologist, logician, and mathematician. more »

Christoffer Dybvad

Christoffer Dybvad was a Danish mathematician. He was born in Copenhagen, the son of Professor... more »

Christoph Gudermann

Christoph Gudermann was born in Vienenburg. He was the son of a school teacher and became a... more »

Christoph Zenger

Christoph Zenger is a German mathematician. more »

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